Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The first year

We made it through our first full year! Ashlyn turned one and we had a nice birthday party at our house for some family and friends. Ashlyn was very spoiled by everyone and she loves all of the great gifts that she received. She has been walking for a few weeks now and it is pretty fun, except when she falls and gets all upset. We will post more pictures and will probably have to post pictures after this coming weekend when Ashlyn goes trick or treating for the first time. Her and her friend Luke are going as Pebbles and Bam Bam. We are really looking forward to this weekend because it will probably be one of my last before the holiday season, at least I am working back in town so there is no more COMMUTING! Hope all is well with everyone else.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

8 months

Ashlyn is 8 months old now! It is crazy to think that 8 months have gone by since she was born. Since the last blog Ashlyn is becoming even more active and fun. She is now using rolling as a mode of transportation and she just learned how to wave, kind of. She is talking like crazy, which would be even more fun if we could understand her very unique language. She has been able to hang out with her friend Luke a couple times and we can't wait to get down to see her friend Ell in a couple weeks. She also has had a new friend introduced to the world that she can't wait to meet, Madelyn Masar. Pretty soon Ashlyn will be going to spend a whole week with Grandma and Grandpa Zeal. We are sure she won't be spoiled when she gets back from there;) Other than that Momma can't wait to be done with school next week and spend the summer at home with our little monster. Hope all is well with everyone. Keep in touch.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

6 Months!!!

Ashlyn is now six months old. For those of you who don't have children and want to know how busy they keep you just take a look at the last time I updated this blog. She is better than we could have imagined, she is very well behaved (very rarely cries). She is working on crawling still but she has been sick lately so she hasn't had much interest. She has been able to see both sets of grandparents, which is tough but she loves it almost as much as they do. She has gotten two teeth recently so she was a little cranky a couple night but nothing major. She has been very happy overall and just loves everyone. I put up some new pictures from easter weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Zeal's house when we had family pictures (more to come soon). I will also try to get a video of her in her bouncy which is halarious and put that on here. Other than that things are going just great. Hope all is well with everyone else.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ringing in the new year

Here we are starting 2009 and we rang in the new year for the first time with three members of our family. Tara and I went to a party with some friends and Ashlyn had her first overnight trip to Grandma and Grandpa Kelly's house. It sounded like she had a great time. Her and Grandpa rang in the new year together while Grandma slept. Today and tomorrow we are getting ready for the big weekend. Ashlyn is getting baptised and all the family will be here, as well as, the Driedrics. Then on Sunday we finally get to have our Christmas with the Zeal family. Grandma Zeal is very excited because it has been a couple weeks since they have seen Ashlyn. After that Monday morning is back to work for Momma and I get to stay home for most of January with my little girl and have some bonding time, while trying to start working on the basement. It will be a very welcomed relaxation period for me after the last month or two of craziness. We found out yesterday that our friends Nicole and Dave are having a little girl and Ashlyn is very excited to have another little girlfriend. That is about all the is new with us right now, hope everyone is doing well.

Monday, December 15, 2008

2 Months

Well it has been a little over two months since Ashlyn has joined the family and obviously I have not had a lot of time to get on here and update the blog. At this point Ashlyn is 23 inches long and weighs a little over 12 pounds. She is sitting right next to me right now and talking my ear off, granted it is in her own language, but none the less it is very meaningful by her tone. Tara is enjoying being home very much so and I am looking forward to being home for a while after the next couple weeks. For now besides eating and sleeping, Ashlyn enjoys hanging out with her friends Luke and Ellison. She gets baptised on January 3rd and we are looking forward to having our family over for a little party. I am adding a couple of new pictures and will try to get better at adding them more often.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!

Yes that is right most of the people that visited this blog were WRONG we were blessed with a beautiful little Girl on October 5th at 3:34 pm. Her name is Ashlyn Kelly Zeal and she was 7lbs. 14oz. and was 20 inches long. She has been home for a week now, she spent a little extra time in the hospital because she went to the NICU but we have been reassured that it was nothing that will have long term affects and she has been to her first doctors appointment and everything looks fine. She now weighs 8lbs. 2.5oz and is 20.5 inches long. She has been doing pretty good and loving all of her visitors thus far. We have had most of our family here to visit and her friend Luke came with Mike and Angie. She is on a pretty consistant schedule of eating about every three to four hours day and night and sleeping in between. It is tougher for us to get used to especially for me since I went back to work this week, but Tara has been great about letting me sleep as much as possible at night when I have to work the next day. Tara doesn't have to go back to work until the 5th of January and then I am going to take some time off to stay home with Ashlyn. We are very excited and would love to have visitors so any time people want to come over just give us a call first and make sure we are here, becausae we have had Ashlyn out and about shopping with us and she has been very good. I will keep updating the blog periodically as we have more developments. Thank you again to everyone for your support and all of the very generous gifts we have received.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9 Months......and counting

Well, we are still hanging in there. We just had another appointment this afternoon and the doctor says that everything is looking good. She seems to think that the baby will come close to the due date but at this point it is anybody's guess. Tara has been feeling pretty good other than a little soreness in her back and some heart burn, but other than that we are doing just fine and are very excited for our little bundle of joy. If it waits a while longer though it may not be so little. Tara and I are both excited for her to be off for a couple months with the baby and then I get to have some one on one time in january.